Self-Worth and Perfectionism

Therapy that focuses on one’s sense of self-worth focuses on building self awareness and deepening insights into how a person relates to themself and the world around them.

It is through the lens of self-worth, that one can better understand how themes like perfectionism, shame, authenticity, and self compassion are experienced.  This knowledge greatly informs the ways that people connect with others and is a vital component of well being.

A person is looking at their reflection in a broken mirror

Self-Worth and Perfectionism

A person is looking at their reflection in a broken mirror

Therapy that focuses on one’s sense of self-worth focuses on building self awareness and deepening insights into how a person relates to themself and the world around them.

It is through the lens of self-worth, that one can better understand how themes like perfectionism, shame, authenticity, and self compassion are experienced.  This knowledge greatly informs the ways that people connect with others and is a vital component of well being.

Recognizing the Signs of Low Self-Worth and Perfectionism

Below are some common experiences of people who are having difficulty in the areas of self-worth and perfectionism:

A person's face is behind bubble wrap
  • Being your own biggest critic and having a hard time feeling like you’re on your own team.

  • Frequent people pleasing and/or feeling like an imposter.

  • Difficulty accepting mistakes, outcomes that are different from what you hoped, or having incredibly high expectations of yourself and others.

  • Avoidance of goals out of a fear of failure.

Recognizing the Signs of Low Self-Worth and Perfectionism

Below are some common experiences of people who are having difficulty in the areas of self-worth and perfectionism:

  • Being your own biggest critic and having a hard time feeling like you’re on your own team.
  • Frequent people pleasing and/or feeling like an imposter.
  • Difficulty accepting mistakes, outcomes that are different from what you hoped, or having incredibly high expectations of yourself and others.
  • Avoidance of goals out of a fear of failure.
A person's face is behind bubble wrap

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

— Leonard Cohen

A woman in a red bikini is floating on an orange raft in a pool

Our approach to Working with Self Esteem and Perfectionism

At Resilient Self Therapy, our clinicians can help with finding the deeper origins of low self-worth. Utilizing a philosophy of mindfulness and helping to teach compassion practices, our approach to helping is designed to combine both insight-oriented work with actionable steps that can build your self esteem or your sense of confidence.

A woman in a red bikini is floating on an orange raft in a pool

Our approach to Working with Self Esteem and Perfectionism

At Resilient Self Therapy, our clinicians can help with finding the deeper origins of low self-worth. Utilizing a philosophy of mindfulness and helping to teach compassion practices, our approach to helping is designed to combine both insight-oriented work with actionable steps that can build your self esteem or your sense of confidence.

Common Questions about Self-Worth and Perfectionism

Perfectionism is rooted in the idea that worth is generated from doing everything perfectly. There is a huge difference between striving for excellence and perfectionism, and we work to help our clients grow into the understanding that worth is not the currency beneath their actions and behaviors.

Perfectionism can have a negative impact on mental health as it requires a false loop of hustling to keep up with actions and behaviors believed to be the cause of self worth.   When an individual is under an inaccurate impression that other’s perceptions of them is the thing that makes them valuable, this can increase symptoms of depression, anxiety, avoidance, fatigue etc.

Compliments and praise are often difficult for people who have low self esteem.  Believing that you are worthy of compliments and praise requires a secure sense of self.  Another related reason why this is hard for some people is because they never received them when growing up so this type of feedback feels unfamiliar and hard to take in.

Yes, while many of the origins of low self-worth are informed by our upbringing, adults are fully capable of becoming more secure with themselves. It’s an amazing transformation for adults to make and we love providing support for anyone who is looking to grow their confidence.

We’re here to help anyone who is looking to examine their sense of self, whether it’s something they feel inferior or superior around.  Issues like grandiosity, narcissism, entitlement, and pervasive disappointment by those around you can also be born out of suboptimal connections with self and our team is experienced in working in these areas as well.

In 2024, the intellectual property that came with the credential which permitted RST to facilitate these groups was sold and we made the difficult decision to forgo our formal relationship with the Brené Brown Education and Research Group.  That said, the extensive training and clinical experience that comes with that scope of our practice, remains in us and our team is well equipped for helping build shame resilience practices with our clients.

Common Questions about Self-Worth and Perfectionism

Perfectionism is rooted in the idea that worth is generated from doing everything perfectly. There is a huge difference between striving for excellence and perfectionism, and we work to help our clients grow into the understanding that worth is not the currency beneath their actions and behaviors.

Perfectionism can have a negative impact on mental health as it requires a false loop of hustling to keep up with actions and behaviors believed to be the cause of self worth.   When an individual is under an inaccurate impression that other’s perceptions of them is the thing that makes them valuable, this can increase symptoms of depression, anxiety, avoidance, fatigue etc.

Compliments and praise are often difficult for people who have low self esteem.  Believing that you are worthy of compliments and praise requires a secure sense of self.  Another related reason why this is hard for some people is because they never received them when growing up so this type of feedback feels unfamiliar and hard to take in.

Yes, while many of the origins of low self-worth are informed by our upbringing, adults are fully capable of becoming more secure with themselves. It’s an amazing transformation for adults to make and we love providing support for anyone who is looking to grow their confidence.

We’re here to help anyone who is looking to examine their sense of self, whether it’s something they feel inferior or superior around.  Issues like grandiosity, narcissism, entitlement, and pervasive disappointment by those around you can also be born out of suboptimal connections with self and our team is experienced in working in these areas as well.

In 2024, the intellectual property that came with the credential which permitted RST to facilitate these groups was sold and we made the difficult decision to forgo our formal relationship with the Brené Brown Education and Research Group.  That said, the extensive training and clinical experience that comes with that scope of our practice, remains in us and our team is well equipped for helping build shame resilience practices with our clients.

Embrace The Imperfect - Find Your Freedom!

Give us a call or book a free 15 min consultation to see how we can help.

Give us a call or book a free 15 min consultation to see how we can help.